What is MNIS?
MNIS is a system for the treatment of waste of any nature, with the purpose of the recovery of matter and the production of energy, through a gasification process assisted using plasma torch technology.
MNIS dissociates the non-recyclable solid matter into its constituent elements that can be used as fuels or as secondary materials.
By plasma torch technology we mean the use of an ionized gas at very high-temperature powered, as a reagent and heat carrier, by the application of an electrical voltage generated by "Plasma Torches”. The syngas obtained through the molecular dissociation process assisted by plasma can be used for the production (matter recovery) of chemicals (HYDROGEN, methane, ethanol) and/or of high-performance energy (IGCC - Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, engines).
Zero impact facilities
The plant can treat all kind of waste without any contraindications. MNIS facilities do not have any type of negative impact neither on human health nor on the environment. The conversion of waste into syngas does not involve any kind of emission into the atmosphere, making the process completely green.
Unfortunately, even today, many tons of products with a high energy content, such as plastic and other organic materials, still end up, in the best case scenario, in landfills, wasting a precious source of energy.
The small dimensions and the daily processing of variable quantities of waste are peculiar characteristics of MNIS systems which make their use possible even in small structures, for which direct waste treatment was previously impossible. The plant is designed for a market where it is necessary to address specific waste management needs in terms of logistics, toxicity and costs, but where volumes are limited.

Business Overview - The plant capable of treating all types of waste
MNIS system, unlike the incinerator, allows the treatment of waste of any nature for the production of syngas, that is treated using MNIS technology and that can be used for the production of energy and/or chemicals.

(*): con il termina «slag» si fa riferimento ad una scoria paragonabile a un materiale roccioso